by discoverliving | May 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
12 May, 2017 Mastering Your Life No joke. Mastering life is a process like when you first learned you’re A, B, C’s. This process follows the divide and conquer philosophy of gaining or regaining power. Let me explain the process. I would like you to list five areas in...
by discoverliving | May 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
10 May, 2017 God – The Plural Form Now don’t get excited, the title does not infer that there are a multitude of Gods in heaven. I believe in only one God most likely just as you do, and my religion tells me that my religion is the way to join with God for...
by discoverliving | May 8, 2017 | Uncategorized
8 May, 2017 Health Care or Prevention We have been inundated with news media promoting different agendas to end, modify, or repeal and replace ObamaCare or Affordable Healthcare in the USA. It is evident that major problems exist currently with premiums being...
by discoverliving | May 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
5 May, 2017 Nuke the Nukes Let’s talk common sense. Perhaps, you will think this article is fantasy talk. However, it is the only answer to a dilemma of catastrophic proportion. With the reasons the international community has banned the use of biological and...
by discoverliving | May 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
3 May, 2017 Your Need For Passive Income Cash flow is critical to your well-being. Living off of government subsidies will help keep you alive, but can deprive you of a quality lifestyle. Is having a job the answer to your financial responsibilities? Let me tell...
by discoverliving | May 1, 2017 | Uncategorized
1 May, 2017 Discover Living Philosophy My life has been like the ocean waves I talk about in my Discover Living book. I ride the crest of good times only to have them crash, and then have to swim for the next swells so I can ride the next crests. There were also times...